Monday, August 6, 2012

Suzie is walking

I saw Suzie last week before her birthday.  She has had noticeable improvements since I last saw her.  Her left arm's movement is very fluid.  She is able to walk with a cane.  She walked out of her apartment into the end of the hallway and back.  She seemed very comfortable doing although her dad was cautiously standing behind her as she walked in case she loses her balance and falls backwards.  She was also able to tell me that she is not able to see out of her right eye. 

Suzie's been keeping busy watching the Olympics.  She reported to me that the US won the gold medal in team gymnastics that morning. 

She also told me that she shares the same birthday as Barack Obama.  Well, same day anyway.  Obama is a quite a few years older. 

Kevin is right in his last post.  Her aid worker has a very positive attitude.  She's been encouraging Suzie to keep walking, pushing her to keep working at it. 

It was wonderful seeing Suzie.  If you visit her, there is a decent Ramen restaurant near 14th Street and 1st Avenue.  Bring her some ramen.  She loves that stuff. 


Ade said...

What a great update! Thanks so much.

Janine Panico said...

So great to hear. We are overdue for a visit