Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I can't believe it's been 5 days already since we visited Suzie.  Time does, indeed, fly.  Leona, Jenny and I made our way out to see Suzie on Christmas Day.  We arrived about 2pm, after she'd had some massage therapy.  I hadn't been to see Suzie in Queens yet and while the facility wasn't as "posh" as the place on 17th Street, I found both the staff and the other patients very helpful.  Suzie was pretty exhausted when we arrived, but she's definitely improved her motor and verbal skills since I saw her last.  It was great to see her doing so well (and she has an excellent new haircut).  GO.  

Monday, December 29, 2008

A Sunday worth the traffic!

Hey All,

Mia and I not clearly thinking went to see Suzie on one of the worst travel days of the year. However, once we finally got to Suzie's room I think both of us forgot about that traffic when we saw the big smile she had on her face. Betty being the wonderful friend she is purchased a flat screen for Suzie. Well let me just say she has become a couch potato already. Through most of our visit Suzie ate a lot, (as did I) watched TV, made me move the TV closer, to the right, then the left and then had me explain the remote to her until she could turn the TV on and off herself and change the channels. What a channel surfer she is. The TV has a DVD player so bring movies on your next visit if you can. Suzie is requesting movies that were on Broadway. She also would like some t-shirts because she is baking in that room and would love some seafood. (Mia and I promised to bring seafood on new years day for her)

A lot of you have been asking what to do with Suzie during visits. Below are just a few things we have been learning along the way, which might help your visits:

1. Bring things for her to do. She likes to keep herself active even if it is for 5 minutes... so don’t be afraid to do things with her. There are puzzles in the closet and coloring books by the window.

2. Lotion our girl up face and all she loves it and needs it because that room is so dry.

3. She loves the radio. actually she likes the Madonna CDS. Suzie knows the words to every song which she will sing with you if you want. We have tried other music but the girl likes her Madonna so we just stick with that.

4. Try to ask questions that are not yes or no answers. But don’t finish her sentences for her. (We read this. We are not that smart☺))

Sometimes she needs a few tries and we just keep telling her to say what ever comes to her head and if it comes out wrong not to worry about it. She seems to keep silent because she knows what is coming out sometimes is not what she is thinking.

4. We heard flash cards with words or pictures are good but we have not tried that yet.

We had a long talk with Mrs. Lee who is the mother of Suzie’s roommate and also keeping an eye on our girl. She also agrees Suzie needs many friends to come visit her. She seems not to talk much when family is around so friends are good for her to talk , laugh and all that good stuff. So please go see her. It is so good for her and her progress. That's the update this week hope some of this helps your visit I know it helps mine…

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Carols and Coloring

Hi Team Suzie & Happy Holidays All!

Janine and I went for a long visit with Miss Suzie this past Sunday. She was at therapy when we arrived as there will be a break in therapy over the holiday week. We chatted with her roommates Mom who is lovely and keeps an eye on our girl. 

Suzie greeted us with a big smile and was pleased to see that we did not arrive empty handed! Far from it - Janine brought a little glowing snowman who brightened the room with different colors emanating from his frosty belly and a table top tree which Suzie helped to decorate. Janine also brought a coloring book which was a big hit - although Janine doesn't stay in the lines. Ever the princess I brought her a pink pashmina (now she wants a red one) and some holiday nail polish. 

Treats you ask? Why of course - Janine brought every single leftover sweet from her holiday party the night before and we enjoyed cookies throughout our long visit. We stayed until dinner was served and sent Mr. Moon home for an early evening. I think we stayed too long as Suzie inhaled her dinner - we think in an effort to get us the hell out of her room and off to bed! She was good tired - from her work in therapy and her work visiting with us. We are therapy for her and she needs all our positive energy, encouragement and hugs so by all means get yourself out there if at all possible. 

As Adrian mentioned in a previous post, it is super easy to reach Park Terrace via the MTA - I recommend the E train which is express to 71st/Continental Ave then it's a 5 min ride on the Q23. Easy, easy, easy. 
For now Suzie is staying put here and we think it's for the best. Everyone we ask claims that it is one of the best places for traumatic brain injuries. So pay Suzie a holiday visit in Queens. It will do you both a world of good.

Wishing you all a healthy and peaceful holiday. 

xo - 

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Suzie Visit Saturday dec 13th

Hi Everyone,

A lot of you have been asking for a post to be put up on Suzie's progress so here you go.

Suzie is doing very well. She is getting stronger everyday. Her right side seems to be moving more every time we see her. How much she will progress depends on how hard Suzie works. So how fully she will recover is still unknown. However, I will say if she continues to progress like she has been i think in time she will get there. (this is just my own opinion)

Suzie seems to be understanding and trying to communicate more so i encourage everyone to visit as much as you can. The visits seem to be helping her a lot.

I went to see Suzie today and i am sorry to say she was not having a good day. She has a cold or something according to Mr. Moon. She spoke very little tonight and you could tell she just needed some rest and was not up for visitors. As for Suzie moving to a new location the paperwork is still being done. Last time i spoke to Cindy (Suzie's sister) was on Wednesday and they had not picked a date for her move yet. However as soon as she moves i will make sure to update everyone on her location and all that good stuff.

I am so happy to report we have now raised $12,320 for suzie and the money just keeps on coming. How amazing is that!

Have a great weekend all


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Smiley Suzie: Sunday in Queens

Mia and I just returned from a really great visit with Suzie on this chilly Sunday.

We arrived in the early afternoon to find Suzie sitting in her chair by the window. Mia and I both were really happy to discover that she has never looked better! She was quite calm and seemed fairly well-rested.

For entertainment we brought Suzie strawberry ice cream (she wasn't interested) and a brand spankin' new copy of OK! magazine (big hit). For everyones future reference Suzie also seemed quite engaged whenever we discussed:

A. boys and/or cute men.
B. Gossip about her work friends.
C. Parties and drinking beer.

She laughed and sang her Madonna repertoire and added a little Cindy Lauper to keep us guessing. When we asked her what we could bring her next time we came to Queens she said, "more visitors."

And on that note...getting out to the facility in Queens was SUPER EASY. I have to be honest that I had envisioned a never-ending journey but it took no time at all. Take the E/F/R train to the 71st-Continental station and then hop on the Q23 bus for 10 minutes. Easy, easy.

The only note I would make about this facility is that the nurses and staff are no where near as attentive as the people at Rusk. I think Suzie would really be served by some of us sweet talking them and perhaps plying them with cookies/treats? It's worth a try because right now they seem pretty indifferent to patient requests.

All and all a really encouraging visit.